
                                Rules Of this Website: 

  • No swear words
  • No account sharing or trading
  • No dating (for example, no asking for boyfriends or girlfriends)
  • No asking real life info about each other - like no asking for phone numbers.
  • No Flaming Other Countries, Users, People,Religions.
  • No Flaming Other Games.
  • No Flaming Items (e.g Groups, Game).
  • No Hatred.
  • No Hating Advertisement (e.g Talking About Someone's Appeal)
  • No Bad Advertisements (e.g We want the OLD ROBLOX BACK!, Telamon [Shedletsky] Bring back the insert tool!

Some of these Rules apply to the Actual ROBLOX Rules! But here, I make the Rules. If I See anyone Breaking The Rules, I will ban You from ever Visiting This Website! Please Remember Kids play ROBLOX All Day long! They learn things very fast. You would not want them to Learn things in the Wrong way! So Please follow the Rules!